Monday, June 10, 2013

Preparing to Begin: June 10, 2013

Teaching & Learning in Ghana 2013


3 1/2 incredible weeks working with teachers and students in two rural village schools near the city of Cape Coast, Ghana, West Africa

July 2-26, 2013

An Education Outreach Program of the 
School of Education
Charleston Southern University, Charleston, South Carolina

Follow us daily as we learn about this incredible West African country. Travel with us as we work in K-8 classrooms with Ghanaian teachers and students; meet and become friends with Ghanaian children and families; visit cultural and historic locations in Accra, Kumasi, and Cape Coast; and are changed in ways we cannot yet imagine.

A K W A A B A !


  1. May God bless each of you as you embark on this wonderful mission.

  2. May God cointinue to bestow His blessings upon Dr. Clerico and those accompanying him on this mission. May the Grace of God be with you all!

  3. So excited!!! Only two days!!!!
