Saturday, July 13, 2013

Bitter Sweet Goodbyes: July 12, 2013

Shaye & Molly

Today marked the end of the week and our last day teaching at Tuwohofo-Holly International School. The time we have spent here has flown by! It seems like just yesterday that we were meeting the students for the very first time. 

Before leaving the school, we wanted to present the children and teachers with a small "something" to remember us by.  We gave each teacher a gift and each class a new soccer ball for the students to share during their breaks. When the students learned of our gifts for them, they all proclaimed “God Bless you, Madam!” It was truly amazing to see the children smile and show such appreciation for such a small gift. A gift that others may see as simple or boring is like a million dollars to children who play soccer with anything they can find, including empty water bottles.

As we were leaving and thinking about the fact that today was our last day teaching such wonderful children at Tuwohofo-Holly School, we knew that these children will always hold a special place in our hearts, that we will never forget their expressions, and that we will have the opportunity to see them again before leaving Africa when we return for the big Durbar (celebration) after completing our teaching at St. Cyprian's Basic School next week.

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