Sunday, July 21, 2013

Breakfast on the Fair Hill Patio: July 21, 2013


The waking birds and cooing doves
Begin their songs before the morning sun
Has begun its rise over the sleeping village.
Their songs are quiet but constant
Insisting that life is starting up once again.

As the sky lightens
The sweeping begins,
Three double-bent backs moving slowly across the stones
Gathering the night’s deposits of leaves from the over-hanging trees
Quiet voices
Soft sounds
Slow, steady movement

The palm-straw brooms swish and whisper,
Swish and whisper
Virtual extensions of the sweepers’ arms
And as Ghanaian as Akwaaba - “Welcome”

From the kitchen house come the sounds
Of quiet voices, dishes being collected
And breakfast being prepared.
Soon the oats, eggs, juice, rolls and fruit
Will appear on the serving table
Quietly demanding, “Come. The food is ready.”

On the hilltop birds pause on telephone wires,
Black against the early morning haze,

Living notes on a Fante music staff,
In an instant the music vanishes,
But the song continues.


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