Sunday, July 7, 2013

Nyame Nhyewo: July 7, 2013

Amanda & Chastity

Caw, Caw
Swish, Swish,
Allah, Allah,
Little birds, it is 7:30! Time to chirp! calls Prof.

These are the wake up calls of the Fair Hill; sounds that will become very familiar over the next two and a half weeks.  The morning began with our first breakfast on the patio, hugged by trees that drape and sway in the wind. Ann Hoover, the owner of the Fair Hill, welcomed us with a breakfast that everyone agreed was the best we have had so far. After greeting us, she apologized for the flies. However, we assured her that flies are not foreign to us

Shortly after breakfast, Dominic, our tro-tro driver, arrived to take us to Calvary Assemblies of God Church.  In 2011, he had invited us to visit his church and it was such a blessing that we knew we had to go again this summer. Upon arrival at the church, we were greeted with “Nyame nhyewo!” by members of the church.  Samuel, Dominic’s son, translated the Fante which means, “God bless you.”

Throughout the sincere worship service, we heard two familiar songs including: “Oh Come Let Us Adore Him” and “You Alone Are Worthy.”  The Ghanaian congregation worships with their whole being: singing, dancing, clapping, raising hands, shaking tambourines, and waving handkerchiefs were ways that they praised the Lord.  A few of us O'bruynis (pronounced broo-knee), the Fante word for white people (and typically for all westerners), were led to join the women who were dancing in a circle at the front of the church.  We all felt moved by the joyful praise and convicted that we too should worship the Lord without reservation. 

The pastor’s message told us that we should stay united in fellowship and prayer and that as Christians we are winners because Christ has already won.  Following his message, Pastor Isaac Koomson invited all of us to come to the front of the church to be formally welcomed by the congregation.  Prof spoke of how no matter where we are or who we are worshipping with, if Jesus is the Lord we serve and the Savior we proclaim then we are with family.

The congregation was celebrating the dedication of a new church bus which will be available for use by all the Assembly churches in the area.  Pastor Koomson had invited these churches to send representatives to this morning's service to join in the celebration; and at the close of the nearly 3-hour service (which included a half-hour pledge drive for the bus) we all went out and gathered around the new bus. Pastor Koomson annointed it with oil, the elders laid hands on it and we all prayed for the ministry opportunities it will provide to the congregations.

After saying goodbye and making plans to get together next week with some old friends from the church, we rode in our big tro tro down to the Castle Restaurant in Cape Coast.  During lunch the view of crashing waves over the rocks was breathtaking.  We enjoyed a variety of entrĂ©s from Red Snapper (the whole fish) to Groundnut (peanut) Soup, to Squid, and (for the less adventurous) Vegetable Fried Rice.  It was back to shopping when we finished eating; and the newbies found the shops in Cape Coast Castle much easier to navigate than those at the Cultural Arts Center back in Accra.  Much less was purchased today, but never fear, we are going to the Foreign Currency Exchange (ForEx) to exchange more money tomorrow…

Quick naps and a filling dinner were followed by fellowship and reading personal reflections from our journals.  Each of us knows that God has brought us here for a reason.  As we walked back up to our rooms the Ghana vs. Chile U-20 soccer match caught all of our attention.  Each goal Ghana scored meant a lap around the Fair Hill for Ben and Emmanuel (our Fair Hill "concierge"). Each missed goal proved our loyalty to this country with "oh's" and "ah's"; but, fortunately, late late late in overtime Ghana prevailed 4-3 and we all yelled G-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-A-L!!!!!

Tonight we all go to bed anxiously waiting our first day at Tuwohofo-Holly International School.  The returning members (Prof, Chastity, Liz, & Amanda) will be not able to contain their joy at seeing the sweet children who stole their hearts the first time they came to Ghana; and also the joy of watching the first-timers encounter the children of Akotokyir Village.

We want to close with the prayer that Dr. Clerico sang to the entire congregation this morning…
     Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
     Praise him, all creatures here below;
     Praise him above, ye heav'nly host;
     Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing to worship the Lord with the Ghanaian people!! It is an experience like no other!
